RSM: Hello class!
Followers: Hello, Miss Swiss.
RSM: Today's lesson is about the letters "P" and "H"
Howdy kids! This is RSM (Rob's Swiss Miss) and I'm Meg's partner in crime on this Phansite. Our goal is to lovingly place Matt Bushell onto the pedestal that he so rightly deserves.
It's been brought to our attention that the twi-love has not been extended to the entire cast of Twilight. For shame! We twi-hards have more than enough love to go it's time to embrace:
(played by actor Matt David Bushell)
(DOB 1/8/1974; Hometown - Framingham, MA)
Hereinafter referred to as Phantastic Phil, Marvelous Matt and/or Phatt.
[Time for Phatt to schlep Renee down to Florida in Twilight - 2008]
[Marvelous Matt playing Pike in Dark Blue "Venice Kings" - 2009]
[Bones - Season 4 - "The Salt in the Wounds" - Matt Bushell as a volleyball coach]
[Matt Bushell as Hobart in Mad Men - 2009]
[Matt Bushell as Curly in Leatherheads - 2008]
Also seen in all this stuff, but I cannot for the life of me find pics or much info online:
- CSI: Miami "Rock and a Hard Place" - 2008 (Dan Kirkland)
- Shelter - 2008 (Alan)
- Notes from the Underbelly - 2008 (Cast Member)
- The List - 2008 (Cast Member)
- Criminal Minds "Scared to Death" - 2007 (Bill Calvert)
- CSI: New York "Rain" - 2004 (Marvin Hummel)
- Dark Reel (Bandana Man)
- Headhunter (Scott)
You do all realize we owe quite a bit of gratitude to Mr. Dwyer, right? If not for him bedding down Renee and needing to travel for his minor league baseball career Bella would have never gone to Forks. Never met McSparklyPants. Never brought us the hawtness that is The Cullens. Never give me a reason so say *beefcake sandwiches* incessantly. NEVER LET US HAVE THIS FABULOUS ONLINE ALTER-REALITY!
Yeah, so needless to say, once Meg and I successfully track Phantastic Phil down via Twitter, agent, manager (hell - even the phone book or 411 at this point) we expect you all to serve up the appropriate amount of twi-love. He deserves it, dammit!