Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rough Hustle Trailer

So the trailer for Matt's new movie Rough Hustle was released. Here it is in all it's glory. Stay tuned for "Meg and RSM Watch This Shit Together And Probably End Up Saying Mean Things About Phil Even Though We Love Him Hard And Are His Number One Fans," probably up by Tuesday.


  1. This looks craptastic. Phil looks like a less hot version of Vin Diesel. And why doesn't Mike Welch talk? Is this kind of like 21, but not as good? Wow, I'm harsh.

  2. haha I know, right?! Newton looks just straight up nasty. All swollen and greasy. I've seen other blogs that have posted this trailer and don't say anything about Matt. They're just posting it because Newton's in it. Losers...they don't even realize the gold mine that is #MattBushell.

  3. Phuck 'em up, Phil! That's my boy. *beams like a proud mama*

    I'll save my comments for the simultaneous viewing. But I totally agree with FC's Vin Diesel comment.
